Thursday, September 25, 2008

Parents - Help Your Children Return Books!

Hello Corlears' Parents:

From 4/5s to 8/9s - all the children are checking out books! This makes us very happy!

This year we are emphasizing that our Corlears School Library is a circulating library which means that the books are to be shared among our Corlears community. Which means that books have to be returned and checked out to other children.

Parents, please ask your children which day their library class day is. Then, please help them remember to bring their books back on that day. Here are some suggestions we have discussed with the children to help them remember:

1) Write a note and put it somewhere that you will see it.
2) Write library day on the family calendar.
3) Put books in your bookbag the night before library day.
4) Have the whole family help the student remember.

Our rule is:

You have to bring back a book to check out a book!

Thanks, Corlears Parents, for your cooperation in this important activity.

BTW, if your child finishes reading his/her book before the next library day, they are welcome to come to the library to check out new books! Also, library books can be renewed one time - without even being brought to the library!

And parents - we have a whole book collection on parenting! Come in and check it out!


Chak said...


Great blog! Congratulations. Thanks for telling us about it at curriculum night tonight.

-- The Masicks

Kyle said...

awesome website!!!!!!!
from kyle